Thursday, October 30, 2008

8 Before 8

You can start your day off right if you get up and get going as soon as you wake up. I have picked 8 things (make them simple!) I do as a routine every morning before 8:00, I call it "8 Before 8"
Here's my 8AM routine:
1. Wake up at 6:00
2. Pray
3. Use the bathroom
4. Weigh-in
5. Drink 12 oz. water
6. Skin Brush and Get Dressed
7. Drink my cleansing water
8. Exercise (I'm doing P90X right now - love it)

Did you finish by 8:00? Way to go! Keep going, do 8 more things before 8:00 p.m.

My 8PM list:
1. Shower
2. Get Dressed
3. Make up and Hair
4. Study the Scriptures
5. Do a load of Laundry
6. Shine Sink
7. Play and read with my kids
8. Scrapbook for 30 minutes

Most people probably have shower and make-up in their 8 AM routine and exercise in the evening. That's great - just find what works for you.

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