Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mount Olympus

Grant, Stephanie (Grant's girlfriend), Josh (Steph's little bro), Joe , Neil, and Me

Saturday I hiked Mount Olympus with my brothers Neil and Grant. For my brothers, this was the 8th annual trip to the tip of Mount Olympus. I went with them in 2005 (and was sore for a week), missed last year (pregnant) and the years in between we were living out of state, but I've hiked it 3 other times. I invited Joe to come along, a little worried how hard it would be for him, but he was a trooper and didn't complain once, although Neil and I did piggy-back him a few times when we could see the exhaustion on his face. But Joe's game for next year, and I plan on being there too! Here's a picture that my dad took from their deck with his telescope. Cool!

Can you see those 6 tiny figures on the Mountain top? We're waving hello

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I love that your dad could see you from the house. And isn't it wonderful to have your kids getting old enough to enjoy these times with you?
