Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conference Road Trip

For General Conference, we took a two hour road trip to Ephraim, Utah. We listened for the two hour drive down, had lunch at Fat Jack's Pizza (from my college days) and then ice cream at McDonald's, and then listened to the next session on the two hour drive back to Sandy. We were actually able to listen to Conference! I think this might be a good tradition.
Abi enjoying her ice cream!


  1. Hey...great idea! I've never thought of trapping everyone in the car, but not only do you get to listen, so do the kids. Good idea, Mom!

  2. That is a great idea! Heaven actually!

  3. Tiff! Look! I visited your blog! Sounds like a great idea!

  4. Ahhh... Fat Jacks... memories. (not that I went to school there, I remember hearing the rage about it.) But oh, the memories of a luncheon and the Kiss the Girl tradition begins!
