Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sick Day

We've all been throwing up today. I just had my turn and am feeling much better now. I'm old enough that I know how to throw up with minimal clean-up - right into the garbage disposal (which I prefer over the toilet bowl). Hyrum was the first today, he threw up at 11:30 all over the wood floor (yes! Not on the carpet!) so he didn't go to afternoon kindergarten, then at 12:30 the school called to tell me Melodie threw up and to come get her. Corey had the car at work so I called him and he ran and got her at the school. He went by the redbox and got us 4 dvds to keep us company on the couch, then he headed back out to work where he was going to stay an extra hour to make up for this unexpected trip home. The school called again at 2:30 telling me to come get Joe. Doh! I said I still had one more kid there in first grade and asked if they'd like me to take him too, she said "We haven't heard anything from that class... oh, I have another kid here, gotta go." I guess we'll see how long Ethan lasts. Ok, gotta get Joe... I didn't want to call Corey again, so after a few calls my wonderful neighbor Monica went to go get him. Joe came in and seemed to be feeling well, and proudly told me he didn't even make a mess - he threw up in the sink as he was getting a drink! Way to go! Ethan did make it through the whole school day, and as he walked in alone he said "I don't feel good..." and I told him of everyone else's sick episodes so he'd know what was in store for him. He's in the kitchen moaning right now. Luckily Abi and Wesley haven't thrown up, as for the older ones, we've all been watching movies and I'm making them keep bowls and water pitchers in front of them to catch any messes. The joys of motherhood!

Update: Ethan threw up after an hour of bellowing. That's 4 down, two to go.

Update: Ok, this is gross... When Ethan threw up, he did so as he was sitting at the kitchen counter into a big white salad bowl. I rinsed it out, then went back to the couch. Fast forward 2 hours - Corey's home, the kids haven't eaten anything all day, I hear them in the other room - Corey's going to make them macaroni. After a while I come into the kitchen, everyone's happy and eating food, looks like they're gonna keep it down, then I see the macaroni has been served out of a big white salad bowl. I didn't say anything as I looked at each of them happily eating. I pulled Corey aside and quietly asked him if he washed that bowl out before he used it. "No, why?" Oh gross... We didn't tell the kids, but did throw out all the leftoveres. After I told him, he felt like throwing up. I guess we'll see how Wes and Abi are tomorrow, cause I don't think there's a way they could have escaped contamination now...

Update: Wednesday morning - Abi and Wes are still ok, Corey threw up.


  1. Oh my goodness? Do you think it was stomach flu or food poisoning. That is so not fun. I hope Abi and Wes excape the contamination but after that macaroni you better watch out.

  2. Yeah, JT said it must be something you all ate, aka: food poisoning. So the youngest two might have escaped it initially, but he said you can easily get sick by eating out of a throw-up bowl. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. I will gladly wait for the day when that happens to me.

  3. Oh dear! I am sure you are all miserable, so I feel badly laughing about the macaroni in the barf bowl, but that is really funnily-gross! I hope this passes quickly and that the littlest are free from barf!

  4. Oh that is priceless. Thanks for the laugh. Sorry that y'all don't feel well. Hope tomorrow's better!
