Saturday, March 7, 2009

Banana and Prune Waffles for Breakfast

I love my K-Tec blender! It's awesome! I got it 4 years ago for Christmas from Corey's parent's. We had seen it at the Utah State Fair. I use it everyday. It's like the blenders that Jamba Juice uses.

For several days I've had some bananas that are overly ripe - I've been meaning to make banana bread. But waffles always cook faster than an hour for bread to bake... so this morning I made banana waffles. As I was adding the last ingredient, white sugar, I thought I'd like to try something more healthy but equally sweet... prunes should work! I still had the banana and egg puree in the blender, so I threw in about 15 prunes and hit the top speed It pulverized the prunes small enough that I was sure the kids wouldn't notice any suspicious particles in their waffles. So I cooked the banana prune waffles and served them with butter and a little bit of syrup. Usually my kids can eat two full waffles, a waffle having 4 quarter squares - I can't cook them fast enough before they all want another serving. But, lo and behold, when you put prunes in it, (oh, and I also put in a cup of bran!) all that fiber and un-processed sugar actually fills them up and they are satisfied. Wesley barely ate one quarter of a waffle, Mel was able to eat two quarters, Ethan just over one quarter, each of them coming up to me after saying "I'm full!" The waffles didn't taste bad, cause there was no complaining about taste or looks, the waffles were just so thick, I love it! I love feeding my kids food that actually fills them up and nourishes them. While we are at BYU, I was on a little spinach health kick there and I'd buy a huge bag of spinach at Costco every week. I'd blend up the spinach and put it in everything - spinach waffles (we called them Shrek waffles), spinach eggs, and I had lots of green food items to present on St. Patrick's Day. Blend the fruit and veggies! It's a great way to trick the kids into eating healthy!


  1. Those waffles sound tasty! What a great idea. And that blender rocks. If you are going to sneak all the healthy stuff in you NEED a blender that pulverizes!

  2. I should send you a couple recipes I use for apple pancakes and banana oat pancakes. Same thing, healthy and hearty with whole wheat flour. I even like them so that's saying a lot!
