Monday, March 9, 2009

Kids Love Capes

Ethan in Brazil in March 2007 - this was a cape that came in a big chocolate easter egg that we bought him for his birthday while we were there. Another cape - that made 6! The more the merrier. A child's imagination is unlimited with a cape on.

My cousin-in-law in Arizona, Sara, sent an email with a picture of her kids enjoying a hike. They both had white capes tied around their necks, and she said "I don’t know why they had to wear capes for this experience..."

That last sentence just made me laugh and reminded me of Brazil. As we got ready for our 4 month trip, I packed 5 capes for the kids. We only had limited space in the luggage for toys, and I knew the number of games played with capes would be high, but wow - they seriously all used the capes everyday. Capes were the best thing I brought there for the kids. Here is Hyrum on the back right swing dressed as his own super character he created called "Blackness".

And Wesley is at such a cute age right now - he wears Superman Pajamas with a cape everyday. Ethan got them a year ago for his birthday in March, and Wesley's been promptly assumed ownership of them. He's been on a real Superman PJ cape wearing kick the past while - I think we're going on the third straight week here, not counting Sundays. (sidenote - I do make him change his underwear regularly!) Sometimes if he spills cereal or something on the Pj's, he'll take them off and I'm able to wash them the same day for him to wear later. He is my "Wesley Superman".

I also just thought to myself that capes would be a great thing to put into my kids 72 hour kits! It would help keep them kids happy in future emergencies - let them pretend to be the hero in any pending crisis we're facing. ...and could double for a bandage or tourniquet if needed, too!


  1. We are big fans of capes around here too! Maybe I will have to stick some in the 72 hour kits! How funny!

  2. I need to make some for my boys. We usually just tie a blanket around their necks.
