Tuesday, March 24, 2009

FYI - "Keep your car and home safe" Tip

Our church ward has had frequent car break-in's the past few months. We were told to make sure we didn't leave any valuables in our car or in sight of the would-be robbers. People were doing that and playing it safe, but cars still got broken into. After the latest break in, the bishopric learned the theives aren't looking for valuables in the car - and then told us over the pulpit at church what the strategm is of the car theives...

(And this is a really sneaky thing, so nobody get any ideas! Actually, I was impressed they came up with this idea, cause I never would have thought about it. But, that might just be because I don't think about ways to steal... Anyway...)

They break into the car and don't take any posessions in the car, but take the GARAGE DOOR OPENER and the VEHICLE REGISTRATION, which has the HOME ADDRESS!!! Can you believe that?!?! Then, since they know lots of the people in the neighborhood are gone at church and will be gone for a few hours, they are easily able to enter the house and they have plenty of time to take what they want! What jerks!

From what I know, no one has had things stolen from their house, but some have taken extra precautions and had the locks on their house all changes and their garage opener code and system, which can be a little costly and just a big hassle.

So, now at church and everywhere we go, we are taking our garage door opener with us in our purse or to work when we get out of the car.

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