Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Day with Transportation

Corey left for North Carolina yesterday which means... ta-da! I have a car! Now, Corey doesn't work very far from home, so I really could have a car more often, but I really can't get to much done anyway with Hyrum needing to catch the bus for afternoon kindergarten. I usually just tell myself there's enough cleaning and things to do around the house, I don't need to go anywhere... (...Maybe that's my problem, being resigned to sit inside all day and wait for the car to return...)Anyway, things today were blessed and free from incident.

I spent the morning on craigslist and ksl.com looking at random things and exploring possibilities, from moving/renting/buying, to cars and scooters, to furniture and carseats. One thing I was looking for was a Little Tikes kitchen like the one we bought in Virginia, but alas, as is the case everytime I check, there was nothing out there. (I really miss the huge selection of the DC Craigslist community, it was great.) But I did see a post for three Little Tikes chairs with a white table. It was in Orem, which is out of the way obviously, but it was only $10, so I called and it was available, so I drove down there with Wesley and Abi after Hyrum left for school. We were able to fit it in the car fine - it was a regular kitchen table that had the legs sawwed short, so it's nice and big which I didn't know from the pictures. I spent the rest of the evening cleaning the new toy room which right now is my favorite room in the house.

I am excited to clean, organize, and plan more tomorrow what to do to the house. I have decided that I need to buy bookshelves, so I might see if Beka can come over tomorrow and I'm going to go see if they have the $200 shelves at Costco like the ones we bought in 2004 when we moved to Provo for Graduate school. There's nothing on the online classifieds that is going to work, so I'm going to have to purchase wholesale. After BYU, we took those shelves with us to Virginia and later sold them there before our trip to Brazil. I miss those shelves, but I will find them again, and when I do, I am going to buy 3 of them and have a great time filling them up with our books that are in random places all over the house for the past year and a half, like the hall's should-be "linen" closet. (That was a run-on sentence...) So, we might buy, we might keep renting here, we might rent somewhere else, we might not... if we do move, the bookshelves could get banged up or something, but I am tired of living like I'm leaving, and so although we don't have money for decorating with our bank-draining rent, I am going to buy them anyway instead of food, and we will just continue to have ramen noodles for dinner the rest of this week like we have had for dinner 3 of the past 4 nights. Corey's gone and the kids love them, they are happy, I'm happy. Hooray for Oriental Top Ramen!

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