Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh Obama...

Just a little bit of politics here for a minute... It's almost time for Rush Limbaugh to come on the radio, which always helps me feel better listening to someone articulate how I feel about the whole situation our country is in right now.

I do not define myself as a Republican, but I do say without hesitation that I am a CONSERVATIVE. While that usually leads me to vote for Republicans, I have not been exactly happy with some of the liberal actions taken by President Bush and the Republicans in Congress with their reckless spending these past 6 years. But all this Stimulus stuff from Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are just insane - it just gets worse every day. How can they complain about the deficit President Bush left the country when they have just made it over 4 times as big, and this was just in his first month of office?! They are spending money that does not exist, it has not even been printed yet. I have a very bad feeling about this...

Obama's radical liberal policies are killing the Stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen 20 percent since Inauguration Day, the fastest drop under a newly elected president in at least 90 years. As THIS article states, during a financial crisis (which we were already in) is the worst time to change the foundations of American capitalism. "Mr. Obama's $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined."

Government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem. We need less government, not more taxes, more regulation, more bills and spending. “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.” - Thomas Jefferson

Of biggest concern to me, his secret letter to Russian President Dimitry Medvedev suggesting that the US would forego construction of a missile defence system in Poland in exchange for Russian agreement not to support Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Here come Gog and Magog to destroy Israel, and our government leaders are helping by funding Hamas and a "Palestinian State" with US Taxpayer money.

And HERE for his thoughless gifts to Prime Minister Brown, which I also think is very revealing of him.

And THIS about him wanting to see the Queen after snubbing Brown? I think it reveals his obsession with power, titles of prestige, and prominence. I feel like there is some Helaman 2:4-5 going on. But I also know that Helaman 3:27 is true.

And as a side note that I think is telling (but thankfully will not in itself ruin our country), see HERE for a link about how President Obama uses a teleprompter every time he makes a public appearance, which makes me very un-impressed with him. I believe it is not a quality of a confident leader. ...Which would make sense for Obama cause he's never been a leader or had executive experience in anything. (sigh...)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! From one conservative limbaugh listener to another.
