Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trip to California - Part 4 - Wednesday

On Day 5 of our vacation to California, we just took it easy hanging around the hotel. I slept most of the morning - from two days of amusement park walking and riding, I needed a break. Corey was also feeling ill again, so we were both slow going. We let the kids watch TV all morning. I kept trying to rest - around 1:00 I had caught enough zzZs to do something and I took the kids to the pool while Corey tried to work a little. That was pretty much all we did, it was nice to relax a little.

I thought Abi looked so pretty swimming... her blue suit and the blue water made her eyes looks so blue and pretty! Plus the water made the ends of her hair curl under just the right amount, but she still had volume from her dry hair on top - she looked like a perfect little doll.

Hyrum's cute smile
oHyrum and Wes had a good time playing.

Ethan taking a break to warm up a bit. It was a little cool - January in California is like fall in Utah, so it wasn't too bad in the water, but felt cold when you got out.

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