Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A - bi

I am here at my computer wasting time, nothing urgent or anything, just checking email, reading some family and friend blogs, and scanning the news. Abi usually doesn't let me sit alone, so she'll come over to the table and get up on a chair and slowly start to draw her little pointer finger to the power button. "Nooo..." I say. How does she know the worst button to push? So one method of getting her distracted from me at the computer is to open the fridge - she likes to hang out in the fridge. So she started bringing me the items within her reach. I now have the following items surrounding me and my laptop here at the table: a gallon of milk (1/3 full), Aloe Vera juice, two bottles of salad dressing, Mayonnaise, a package of shredded cheese, and two packages of ham. With each item she says "Da-Da.." sounding like "Here y'go..." To which I'd reply "Da-da!" in the tune of "Thank you!"

"Da" and "Da-da" are the only things she says regularly. Da-da is pretty much the word for everything, except when Corey comes home from work, she excitedly calls out as she pitter-pats to the kitchen/garage doorway "DAAA!!!!!" to which Corey replies "AAAA!!!" "Da" short for Da-ddy, "A" short for A-bi. Corey says it makes his day, warms his heart, to have her sweet greeting home. I get my little heart warming greeting from her in the morning - I'll send in one of the kids to get her out of her crib, and when she comes into the kitchen she gives my thigh a tender embrace. I love her leg-hugs. She is pure joy.

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