Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Smart-Alek Joe

Family Home Evening around here is always a time when our patience gets tested - a game of "let's see who get's more frustrated first, the kids at having to hold still, or the parent's at the kid's inability to hold still and focus on the lesson." It is starting to get kinda fun with Joe though, cause he's getting smart enough that he's takes a few wise-guy cracks at Corey and me.

At a family home evening a few weeks ago, I was not as stressed out at usual, but Corey was trying to get a point across, and it wasn't working cause the kids were teasing/poking/tickling each other and not listening. In frustration Corey said with irritation in his voice "This isn't working you guys - something is missing. Who can tell me what is missing?" His point being that reverence was missing from our FHE. But smart Alek Joseph quickly replied "Your good sense of humor?" That totally made me laugh out loud, Joe was very proud of himself for being so clever, and he even got a wry smile out of Corey, as he admitted that was another thing that was also missing at the moment. It was funny.


  1. That is a great comment! It is so hard to not give them credit for their witty humor, even when it isn't really a good moment for it!

  2. Ah kids. They sure know how to call us on certain things. I see your family becoming like how ours was--kids teasing parents and parents patiently putting up with while secretly enjoying their kids wit.
