Monday, April 6, 2009

Divine '09 Tip

The "Looking Divine in 2009" challenge is underway. My workouts got thrown off two weeks ago when Corey was in North Carolina, and they've also been a little messed up by the winter weather that refuses to quit, but so far this week I'm at 100%! (Of course, it's only Monday...) I go walking with a great neighbor and friend, Monica Curtis, at 5:45 in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays are my temple morning (5:00 session at the Jordan River). Monica and I have a little 45 minute walk we got on that takes us up from our homes to the Bell Canyon Trail Head. It's a great walk because it has hills, so it's a good interval workout that is a walk, which are the only kind of intervals I can do right now. (Less than 3 months to go - I'm officially in the last trimester now as of Saturday.)

But although I can only do non-impact intervals right now, I didn't want to deprive any of you from learning about a great little program that has great tips - Fit Yummy Mummy! I usually call it FYM cause I think the name is kind of silly. I get frequent emails with little tips and links to videos that my friend and coach Holly Rigsby makes (I want to have arms like her! Way tone and strong!). Here is her latest VIDEO - she vents a little bit at the beginning about a silly magazine article that claims to have the answer of how to get a bikini body, and then she shows us the moves you really need if you want to burn far - a great and quick 30 minute workout. She's got a great program. I started it right before I got pregnant, so I haven't been able to test it for the 16 weeks she challenges for. I did it for a while after my morning sickness left me, but quit after I had a little spotting after doing some BURPEES (see the 3rd picture down at that link). So FYM it's great, and I thought I'd give all of you a little help if you're in the challenge - my goal: size 6 and 130 lbs. by December. Only 3 months to go and I'm gonna kick some boo-tay. My own booty, that is... kick my booty into shape. I'm doing good right now with my walks with Monica and some resistance work that I do - somedays I do FYM, other days P90X. Good Stuff. Keep it up!


  1. Hermana! You are amazing. When I am pregnant I don't even think about watching my weight or exercising. I just take it as a 9 month vacation from it all. I am so impressed with your determination! Don't forget to take it easy though with a little one in the oven! So are you feeling better? Any chance you'll move to Davis County?! I'd still love to get together!

  2. Well I may have to join you on your fitness goal. Looks like in the past couple months my metabolism has started to slow down (my mom always told me that would happen once I hit 30) and eating whatever I want is catching up with me. I'm starting to get a little pudge around the midsection that's hanging over my waistband and it's driving me crazy. I don't know what my goal would be. I weigh 15 pounds more now than I did when I got married so maybe losing 5 to 8 pounds would be good. I'm just not big on the numbers game. I just want to fit into my clothes. I'm fine being a size 8, not to big and not to small. I just don't want to get any bigger and would like to have a somewhat flat stomach again. So looks like I'm going to have to get out the old treadmill again. There's just never a good time to get on it except at night which I hate. Sorry I just can't get up at 5am to exercise, but I can get up at 5 to go grocery shopping which I plan on doing tomorrow. Priorities, priorities.
