Sunday, September 5, 2010

Abi's Cast

The Cast...
The Surgery Tools...

The Doctor...

The Patient...
I took all the kids swimming on July 5th at my friend Katie's pool. Abi couldn't come cause she had a cast on. She was going to get it off in two days, but until then, she'd have to miss out. Well, I was surprised when I came home and saw our new puppy chewing on remnants of a pink cast. Corey's explanation: "I just wanted to know what it feels like to be you" (meaning to be "above the law" which he claims I assert myself to be by not always wanting to take the kids to a doctor when they seem to be sick, or cause I speed when I drive (which I'd say I don't do, except when driving long distance on vacation, like when we drove to Disneyland. I didn't get pulled over this year, I was good) or for any other time that I just do what I want and disregard conventional wisdom.)

Sooo, I thought that was hilarious that Corey took off her cast! I had to take his picture, I told him to say cheese cause I had a great idea for a scrapbook page, and the above photo of the Doctor was the best he could do. Abi was walking great, she was going to be getting her cast off on July 7, and now months later I'm really glad Corey took initiative. When we got our doctor bill for $700+ for them to take less than 5 minutes to wrap her leg, I called the billing dept asked if that was for putting on and taking off the cast? Cause it seemed like a ridiculous amount of money, and she didn't have any "surgery" like the statement said. She just sat there for an x ray and quick wrap up. No, to our disappointment that was just for putting it on. No discount for taking it off ourself. I told Corey - the bad news: we do have to pay that $700. The good news: his taking the law into his own hands and taking off her cast with a garden saw probably saved us the $700+ charge we would have gotten for them to remove it. Way to go sweetie. It's fun to be above the law, huh!

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