Saturday, September 4, 2010

One Week Left

Good bye Crosswood Home!

We were watching a family home video last night - Our puppy Chloe is still a puppy, but boy has she grown. It was fun and interesting to watch what it was like for us living here before, cause we're still here, but it's different and almost over. This has been a fun chapter in our life. We started here with 5 kids and one in the oven. I was 8 month pregnant when we moved in here in 2007. Abi just had her birthday yesterday, 3 years old. I love her little voice.

I painted that picture above the mantel in the photo above. It was fun. I love bright colors. We got family pictures taken today, I'll post them soon, a great neighbor took the pictures for us, we were all in Denim pants and different colored shirts. I hope one of the group shots turns out okay, you never know with 7 kids in the shot. :)

Other random thoughts...

My Stress Levels regarding moving - High
Patience Levels with children - Critically Low
Junk still to be packed - 9% of possessions (by weight, not volume)
Baggage to be packed for Costa Rica - 8 bins, 16 carry on bags
House footage that still needs to be cleared - 1/2
Basement vacancy - 100%
Coats of paint I've put on the Permanent marker on the wall in the boys bedroom so far - 4

Life is good. In case I don't make it back here this week, see you in Costa Rica!

1 comment:

  1. congrats! we love reading your blog :) the corey spitting post was awesome. you are my hero...pregnant and 7 kids and moving to costa rica. we are needing a vacation soon, and costa rica was a spot that we've thought about. i love their food. good luck with everything :)
