Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Costa Rica - Week 1

Week 1 - Check.

We did it. We survived one week. Actually, we thrived. Brazil taught us a few lessons, and so I'd say with that under our belt, things here have been going swimmingly.

If this week here were all that we knew about Costa Rica, these would be the things Corey and I would share with other would be travelers to this promised land:

1) Time Zone: Awesome. I think it will still take me a little while to get accustomed to it, but it's great. Same time zone as home in Utah, with the blessed exceptions that it has spring-like early sunlight mornings at 5:30 a.m., that in Utah get me thinking it should be switching to Daylight savings time soon. I love those Utah spring mornings that tell me good weather is a comin', and here we get that everyday! With the AWESOME BONUS that it gets dark at 6:00 giving me (comparing to Utah again) a feeling of fall/winter nights of coming off daylight savings and I can't believe it's already dark, it's only 6:00, well, time for you kids to go to bed! Costa Rica has made us an early to bed and early to rise family! I've always wanted that! Even Corey is getting up at 6 with all of us, and has been amazed that he easily can already have 3 hours of work put in by 9 a.m. Costa Rica's position on the earth has done for our family that which we did not have the discipline to do for ourselves. But hey, that works!

(Update: Corey just confided in me that he doesn't like that it gets dark so early. He's considering recommending they change to Central time. Apparently they really should be in Central time, not Utah time, and after daylight Savings ends they will be.)

2) Weather: September and October are the rainy season. Always keep your car windows rolled up.

3) Cost of living: Food is expensive and comes in small packages. For us coming from a Walmart and Costco mentality, most things seem to be overpriced. For other American residents here in CR, they agree with me that food is the biggest stress financially and in preparation. You go spend $200 on groceries and have to go do it again in 3 days but still after that initial grocery run, you need two of everything you buy to make a meal for a large family. As for prices on other things, Corey was surprised at how expensive the private schools are. I'm considering putting Joe, Mel, and Ethan in the public school down the street if they would let us - I heard they might not since we haven't been previously registered for school here. Think the records would transfer from Sandy, UT?

4) General Opinion: It's great and I like it, (...except for when I'm sulking cause I miss Costco and am stressed when the kids open the fridge for a snack right after we've eaten.) Corey says Costa Rica feels like what he imagines Hawaii was 50 years ago - lots of tourists but not that developed, so there is still a nice rustic feeling.

Corey's last comment: "...and I really liked that beach house we went to yesterday." Oh, yes, I shall have to show you pictures of that tomorrow. Monday we went to Tamarindo and had a great time visiting our new American friends from church at their great home that backed up to the beach - it was sweet!


  1. In my mind's eye (or my mind's ear) I can hear those people you meet saying, "Holy !*%&@*, how many kids do they have?!" Again, I say, you're life would make a good reality show.

  2. Sounds kind of fun! I love reading your updates. Be sure and post pics of that house you visited.
