Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Swimming with Mom & Dad

Another day in Costa Rica, another day in the pool.

This time, Mom and Dad suited up to play. I made sure the kids didn't splash me, so I could take my camera in the water for some "from the pool" shots. Here's what we got:

Kid 1 - Joe: showing off that he's got possession of the coveted nose plugs. He's got the power!

Kid 2 - Melodie: playing with the shells that she gathered from the Brasilito Beach last Thursday 9/16

Kid #3 - Ethan: showing me how he can dive into the deep area and find the shell he just dropped in.

Kid #4 - Hyrum: Showing me how he can touch the bottom of the pool. Good job Hyrum, keep those air holes above water!

Kid #5 - Wesley: Doing the back float with floaties - great smile.

Kid #6 - Abigail: Just showing her natural beauty.

Kid #7 - Lilian: Playing with Dad. Not wearing the top of her two piece.

Hope posterity doesn't get her confused in the future with a picture almost exactly like this of Corey and Wesley in Brazil - Wes had the Miracle Ball and everything. I love it when I get two photos of two kids that are almost a perfect match, don't you? That picture is on my other laptop. Hmmm, maybe I'll go boot it up so I can show you... Ok, I will... gotta save this, go boot up that, internet on, log in blogger, edit post...

(10 minutes later...)
Here it is:
Oh, I guess Corey had the ball... does that still work? Wes had it in this one...

One of those would work, right? Do I still have a match? I say close enough. (I'm going to make a Go Fish or Old Maid game using family photos someday.)

So, anyway, the kids love swimming with us, and we like it too. They make us feel so important and loved.

(Keep that head up, Hyrum!)

1 comment:

  1. Melody, Melody, my princess... big hugs from Uncle Neil. Cute shots Tiff.
