Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Lowlight of My Trip Story

No problems with checking the 8 bags. All within the 50 lbs weight and measurment requirements. 8 checked bags for 4 ticketed people, but really for 8 people, since Corey had me take stuff for him, Ethan, Hyrum, and Wes so he wouldn't have to worry about how to get it from San Jose to Villareal. Also cause I didn't have to pay for my checked luggage for some reason, so it saved us a few buck$.

So, now I will tell a story of the LowLight of my trip. It didn't go downhill from here, but was steadily at the bottom. Sadly, the only pictures of this story is at the beginning, which you see here

Us with our bags and Abi on her throne (aka the SmartCart). For the climax of the story at the gate, you'll just have to use your imagination. :)

SO! ...for carry on's, I thought that we four people (Me, Joe, Mel and Abi, not Lily cause she was ticketed as an infant in arms) were each allowed a small suitcase, a backpack and a purse, so I packed 4 suitcases, 4 backpacks, and 4 diaper bags. At the check in I was told each person was allowed 1 suitcase type bag and one backpack, laptop, or purse. OK, so we've got too many bags... I'll deal with it while we wait at the gate.

Security - what a hassle. Lily was asleep in her carseat, but I had to get her out of the carseat so she woke up. Abi had to get off of her throne on the Smart Cart which she was not happy about. Shoes off everyone. It really is ridiculous. (See paragraph 5 HERE) Common sense would save a whole lot of trouble for everyone and a whole lot of money for the government. Oh well, those are the times we live in.

After getting our 12 bags, carseat, and 2 toddlers back on the cart or in arms, we arrived at the gate, about 11:30 at night. I started shuffling stuff around from the diaper bags into the suitcases and backpacks, and just threw the diaper bags away. I wasn't quite done or ready when it was time to board the plane - "Those traveling with small children or who need special assistance" ...that's us, come on kids, let's go... grab your stuff, here, you help Abi... "those traveling with small children, please board at this time" Abi, you have to walk, I can't carry you. Joe can you push the cart, come on guys, Mel can you carry this bag too? "Tiffanie Wride? Tiffanie Wride?" Some men standing by seeing my chaos offer to help carry bags. We make it the 30 feet over to the boarding gate. Phew! "You'll have to leave the cart here" I knew that, but was just postponing it for as long as possible. I get Abi off her throne and take off the bags, and as I grab the small suitcase, it relieves itself of all it's contents, all over the floor, with all the people who don't need "special assistance" boarding the plane standing in line watching me. ALL MY UNDERWEAR AND BRAS, loose toys, a tangled phone charger, etc... The attendant sympathetically said "Ooohh... I'm sorry... can I help?" I was half done in my rush, "No, I got it..." I stayed totally calm and even smiled as I hurried and tossed everything back into the suitcase. I'm pretty good at looking calm in public.

So an attendant helped me with the bags as I carried Abi and Joe carried Lily, we got on the plane, they put the bags in the overhead, and we sat down. OK! Part 1 done.

Plane ride over went great kid wise. Joe and Mel sat on either side of Abi and she fell right asleep, they all slept the whole flight, Lily fell asleep pretty quickly too, and I tried to sleep while sitting upright and holding her in my arms to try and keep her sleeping when she's squirm. It was a long and sleepless night, but went well considering. Arrived at Atlanta at 4:00 a.m. Utah time for a 3 hour layover. 3 hour layover with toddlers = long and painful. I'll tell you about that one in the next post.


  1. I love that you can stay calm in public... are you offering lessons? If so, I'll be your first pupil. :)
