Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good News and Bad News of Our Layover

So, the last post started off describing the beginning of my rough trip to central America. But then came a bit of good news: A friend from our church ward in Granite (Bishop Powley) was on the same flight to Atlanta as us. He had a short stop so had to hurry to catch his connecting flight, but still had time to wait for me to get off the plane (we were the last ones off), help me carry my too many carry-on's and to carry Lilian, help us find our concourse, AND he also got me into the Sky Lounge, where there was food, water, and a posh bathroom.

The bad news: I was travelling with 2 toddlers both of which I'm glad had slept the 3+ hour flight to Atlanta, but now they were not going to fall asleep, even though I think they were still tired which is why they were acting fussy and clingy. So after 2 hours of Joe and Mel like this ..

(sleeping along with lots of other people who were sleeping or working uninterrupted on their computers... I shamefully found myself feeling contempt for the whole lot of 'em):

and Lily like this:

and this

(notice her constant movement, wears me out, but would probably wear out anyone who's internal clock was on 5 a.m.)

and Abi like this

(she has such a sweet little face)

which put together looks like this:

I was at the end of my rope. I had already been running on adrenaline since the night before and now was running on fumes. Joe and Mel were sleeping in an area where there was a posted sign designating it a "Quiet Area" which increased my stress as I was with two non-quiet little people. Safest place, in the bathroom...

I really wish I could have just stayed in this bathroom stall for a few hours and taken a nap. The door went all the way to the floor, so I could have slept in noise but atleast with the peace of mind knowing they couldn't escape. But I knew two screaming children would alert the authorities. So I didn't hide in the stall, but we did hide in the bathroom, which was close enough to the front desk of the Lounge that one of the attendants came in to check on the noise. "Hey! Is everything okay?" "Yes, we're all just tired" and then I started to cry "'s been a long day, er night, er morning?" Almost there. Just a few more hours.

I know how you feel, Lilers, hang in there.