Thursday, September 16, 2010

Where Is Our House?

I remember during our first week in Brazil in 2007 (we lived there for 4 months), that one day after returning to the Chacara, Hyrum who was 3 years old, said "I want to go home!" We pointed at our Brazilian Chacara and told him "Here were are! This is home!" He looked at the Chacara and protested "NO! Not that one!"

We had a similar experience last night with Abi, who is 3. As I was getting Abi and Lilian to bed, they were both screaming. They had a late nap in the car and maybe they just weren't tired, but I was, so it's time for bed. I wasn't being very nice and kept barking at Abi to lay down. Lily was easier, cause I could just put her in her playpen and she was stuck. Of course she still screamed at the top of her lungs. After a while I went and got Lily out, asked Mel to go sleep with Ethan, and I got in Mel's bed with Abi and Lily. They calmed down a little and we made progress toward slumber. Then Abi, in her little 3 year old voice, sweetly and sleepily said "I want to go to my house." Much kinder now, and thinking I shouldn't have been so rough that she wanted me to sleep with her, as if just barely realizing that she was probably adjusting to this new environment, I said to her "This is our house, Abi." Then I hear her little voice in the dark. "No, this is not your house... Our house is at home." "Is home in Utah?" I asked. "Our house is at home" she repeated. Poor kid, she doesn't know what's going on. I hardly know myself.

Abi mourning with me during my bathroom breakdown.


  1. So tender. I hope your new home becomes more home-like quickly!

  2. Oh Tiff you are so amazing. Keep it up! I am shedding a few tears because I remember the pain of air travel, new home, kids crying for home, but at least I was across the country, not across the world. You are in for an amazing adventure that will strengthen you for life! What a good wife and mother you are. I am stronger knowing how strong you are being. Thanks for plowing the way for the rest of us!

  3. Moving is tough on the kiddos. We've done alot of moving ourselves and through the process have tried to teach our kids that home is where we are together. I don't know how much of that has actually sunk in... as Tommy recently told me he wanted to go back to the "Las Vegas House." Oh, well. We try.

    Keep it up - you are doing a fantastic job. :)

  4. Tiff... for you I'll invent a star trek transporter.
