Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yeah, Oh, Uh, My Bags?

Arriving in Liberia, Costa Rica, after a long and sleepless night, I learned that Delta lost my bags, temporarily. These bags had all my belongings. The bright side: No dealing with kids complaining about their lost/missing stuff. But mostly I was thinking "Doh!" I felt worried too cause I didn't remember putting a name tag on those. (Luckily Mom told me she was 100% sure they were labeled cause she and Beka had done it. Explains why I didn't remember... Mom, what would I do without you!?) So what followed at our arrival has been nicely portrayed by Brian Regan in THIS CLIP (start at 1:45 through 2:10). No baggage claim office in Liberia though. Everything was taken care of right at a table by the spinning thing. I was even offered an essentials kit! (BTW, I love Brian Regan! Highly recommend any of those clips, he's hilarious)

The people at the airport were totally great though, my bags came in today on American Airlines, and they were delivered to our house less than 24 hours after reported missing, with a Sorry note attached. No complaints here. Survived totally fine since Corey shared his underwear with me.


  1. Thanks Tiff, I just watched 20 minutes of Brian Regan and laughed so hard I cried...
