Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Saturday's Warriors

These saints spent their Saturday cleaning my home. Thank you for saving what's left of my sanity. And our winners are:

for going above and beyond the call of duty, motherhood, and reason. This woman went to bed Friday night later than I did, washed my laundry sometime during the night between midnight at 5 a.m., and was back at my house at 6 where she worked until 11 p.m. cleaning. The house would have never gotten cleaned and I wouldn't have survived without her.
Prize - You get to go home.

Honorary Gold Medal - Beka
I don't have a picture of her, but this young lady receives an honorary gold medal award for choosing to come to my home and clean boogers off the walls for 2 weeks instead of hanging out with her boyfriend and for taking care of Lily Saturday night.
Prize - You get to not come over any more. (You'll notice that the bronze medal gets the best prize, next best is silver, and golds don't get jack. Totally unjust, I know)

And did you know if you google "boogers off wall" my BLOG POST on said subject is at the top of the search results. I know, you're impressed. It's my claim to fame.

Silver Medal - Stephanie and Grant
...for packing, cleaning, storing, running errands, and changing hard to reach lightbulbs.
Prize - box of random groceries including chocolate protein powder. (I'll miss you!)

Bronze Medal - Neil
...for washing, cleaning, storing, etc.
Prize - a lawnmower and a Wii

Didn't place:
I was not functioning well, after 4 weeks of this packing/moving shtuff. Glad my family helped drag me over the finish line. I felt it was my duty to document the evening though, so here I am doing what I did okay at, taking a few snap shots

1 comment:

  1. My lawn thanks you for the lawn mower. Actually, my neighbors thank you for the lawn mower loan. The yard is a disaster. We watched a movie on netflix on the wii but have not revealed our temporary treasure to the boys. Conner will go bezerk. He will be in heaven. Amy and I have to lay some rules down BEFORE or it will be to hard to reign them in (to even get their attention) after.
