Friday, October 8, 2010

Beach Day 2

Everyone working by or playing in the tide pool - the older kids making a castle at the water's edge while the younger kids splash away.

At the beach on Wednesday, Kristy told me they had spent all that morning playing on the rocks and in the tide pools while in the tide was out. Kristy wished she had invited us over for earlier to share that time with them too - her kids had such fun playing and it's been beautiful weather this week. "We'll be out tomorrow too if you want to come by!" Of course my kids did, so after breakfast we got suited up and headed over again for another day of fun in the sun (another day of no rain!)

Melodie letting Lily help her start a sand castle.

Who made this? Oh, look it says right here... Hyrum did!

Joe and Kaylee finding crabs and shells.

Mr. King Crab and his Castle. (He's the little white dot by the entrance)

We found the Kind a Queen, sharing their leaf throne.
Hermit crabs are cute.

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