Thursday, October 7, 2010

Painting Fingernails

Abi loves fingernail polish. I wish I didn't hate it. Hmm, hate's too strong. I am usually so overly anxious about it spilling or them touching something with wet nails that I don't enjoy it usually 99% of the time. I need to relax huh, just relax and paint their little cute nails.

So I did on Tuesday. I painted Abi and Lily's fingernails and toenails with Melodie's help, and they were ready for more, so then I gave them both a paint brush and water and they painted my fingernails and toes for a good 20 minutes. It was really cute, and it's a great mess-less idea for littler girls! Try it!

And Abi and Wes played very nicely upstairs for a long time that day. When they returned to the downstairs, they both had both of their names written all over them with permanent marker. Above is Abi's Wesley arm tatoo, and on her right arm, ABE.

So now when I see her I'm thinking of President Lincoln. Cute kids. I love it when they play nice.

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