Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beach Day 3 - Afternoon

So, we went home after lunch, had some quiet time, said we'd play it by ear about going back to the beach. I made the kids eat enough leftovers and promise that they wouldn't bug me for food if we went back, "WE PROMISE WE PROMISE!" and so we went back to play just one more time, and stayed and played from 3:30 till it was dark at 6.

Corey and Lily came with us this time, Lilers had fun and of course smiled her trademark cheese smile.

And Corey made the kids each take a break from castle building to ride the waves, even Abi had a go.

Abi rode one wave and loved it,

so went out again,

I was excited to zoom in on her huge smile, but she wiped out, and then she was done, no more love for the waves.

Wesley was doing great too for a few runs, then he wiped out, and it was pretty scary for him since he was out a little deeper than usual when he biffed it and he was quite broken hearted

(see that sad little face?)

and then he decided he was mad and stayed ticked at Corey the rest of the evening, as he replayed the conversation they had before his wipe out... "Here comes a monster wave!!!" and Wesley felt Corey was a cruel father who purposely threw him into a monster's mouth.

He was ticked big time.

Hyrum had a wipe out, but he kept going and did great.

Ethan and Tia working on a new castle

Ethan saw Tia surfing standing up and wanted to do it too, and he did "Don't help me, Dad! I wanna do it!" Corey was very impressed. I got that on our video camera, but can't upload that one, so we'll have to share that with you all at some future day. Ethan chastised me for not taking pictures of it, but I said I did get it on video, so in my defense it IS documented for his posterity (and by the way it's hard work to take photos and roll video and keep a 1 year old from drowning herself in the ocean...) they will be very proud.

Thanks for a magical week, Stouts. Love you guys, best of luck to you and your lovely family and hope to see you guys again soon!

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