Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beach Day 3 - Morning

Well, the Stouts sold their car, so they're not going anywhere today. They leave tomorrow for San Jose and are just enjoying their last day at the beach. Hmm. What should we do?

BEACH! Let's go again! Even though we've only just met them, my kids are totally bummed their friends are leaving and want to spend every last minute playing with them, so off we go!

Lily stayed home to help Shirley cook, Corey stayed home to work, and I went with 6 kids in one car to go play in tidepools again at Tamarindo.

Wes and Owen taking water from the tide pool and putting it in the hole they dug, making a hole for the fish they caught. I don't think they actually had any fish in it though, they were just getting it ready in case.

Melodie spent most of her time trying to catch one of the fast and tiny fish with no luck.

It was a beautiful hot and sunny day. We all had on sunblock, but I should have covered them better cause they all got a little burned - the boys mostly on their underwear line where their swimsuits would ride down just a little bit and expose the white part under their tan lines - so those parts are red today, but no one is complaining, so that's good. After time in the tidepools, the kids came closer to the house and shade to build castles.

Kaylee and Joseph's fortress with the three pits of despair -
The left is the place where you get pinched to death by hermit crabs, the center is where the big sand crab (can you see it?) eats you alive, and the right pit is the caged prison.

Then there's Tia and Ethan's castle -
Tia and Ethan sitting on either side of their fortress' jail.

Owen and Wes at work on their Jail - Wesley is burying a stick that is the gun that shoots the bad guys if they get out of the jail.

Tia, Ethan, and Hyrum burying the plastic bin where they've trapped another crab. We had a fun afternoon. Time to head home for lunch.

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