Monday, October 18, 2010

Fraction Lunch

In my continued best attempts to keep Corey happy about homeschooling, (although there aren't any other options right now... haha!) we had an American lunch on Saturday and did a "fraction lunch".

I announce "You may now eat 1/8th of your Pringles" And they each ate one chip.

"Cut your sandwich in half" - they did (Wesley was really excited about using a knife)

Now cut it in half again

Now again - and as much as you can...

Joe's sandwich was cut into 16 very equally sized sandwich bits, good job Joe. (He's such a character in front of the camera). Wesley also did very well I thought. Hyrum did a hack job.

That's okay buddy. He did good with his orange. We peeled them and every orange had 12 wedges, very convenient. I highly recommend oranges when practicing fractions. :)

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