Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Playa Viejo

On Saturday, an American family, Lane and Tara Martinsen from Phoenix AZ, invited us to go to the beach near their home, so we did. The beach is Playa Viejo, and it's the southern most part of Playa Conchal. It was a nice and secluded beach, except for the tour groups riding on horseback that passed through every 10 minutes.

We found a hole and the kids dug down it to find the crab. And we did, and he ran out of the hole and took off running for his life, and the kids all squeeled and chased after him, dancing around him trying not to let him scitter across their toes. They were throwing dirt at him in their excitement, and then he stopped moving. They picked him up on a shovel excited the had a pet crab, but he was dead. He either had a heart attack from 7 kids chasing him or got hit too hard with the dirt clumps, but I thought his exoskeleton would have protected him from that. Anyway, I felt bad that we dug him out, interrupting his afternoon nap, just to kill him. It wasn't intentional. Sorry Mr. Crabs.

After the beach we went for a short drive to Brasilito to get lunch. The kids with me in my car fell asleep on the 20 minute drive - Hyrum in the front seat and the 3 little ones in the back.

The restaurant in Brasilito is one that a member of the branch just opened up, Cafe del Manglar - they made us some very delicious hamburgers. It was a cute little outdoor cafe.

It was a small place, no customers when we arrived, and they were not expecting to have a group of 14 show up to order dinner. They were grateful for the business, but had to run to the local market to buy more food, and it took a while to serve us. The kids did great waiting though.
We weren't sure how much to order... we've gone out to eat once before here, and the kids didn't do a good job eating all their food and it was way too expensive ($80 I think - we got the tourist price), so this time we only ordered 8 hamburgers for all of us, then after that ordered some nachos - a nacho salad more like, with a black bean vinegar dip/dressing on it that the kids weren't sure they liked...

Gotta love Wesley's expression :) I thought it was delicioso, I think Corey and I will go back there on a date sometime if we can and enjoy a nice relaxing and delicious meal.

So that was our visit to Playa Viejo on Saturday. I'd say it's probably a little too out of our way for us to revisit, especially since we only have 7 weeks left! We gotta make a list of beaches we haven't been to yet and we're going to go to a different beach every week.

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