Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I was already starting to get jumpy last night, I pushed my socks into my shoes to make sure nothing (no scorpions) were tucked in there in the morning... From what I've learned they can climb walls and hold on pretty tight to stuff and just shaking my shoes might not work, so I thought I'd protect them while I knew they were clear. Then I jumped into bed. This morning, I peeked over at my shoes and...

What is that little thing?

Boy, the kids are good if they are tricking me again - that will be 3 times they've gotten the adults.
"Hmm, that looks real. It's pretty small, is this one of the babies? Oh man we're having an invasion.... Or I'm going to be really impressed that they snuck in here at night without me hearing... I think that's real though." I got my camera so I could see it closer without having to get closer to it... The red light my camera shines before it takes a picture, which red light disturbed said black thing and caused the little still object to lift a certain tail end into striking position....


"Corey, there's another scorpion by my shoes!" It was 5:45, the sun had risen so he didn't know how early it was, and he jumped right out of bed to protect his family. Well, now I know how to get us both out of bed early in the morning...

Corey - "Kill it." So I did, I squished it with my shoe. You can see his little guts, he's dead.

Perhaps this is the little baby scorpion and the two dead adults are his parents. I told the kids that there is a family of scorpions, Dad and I are dead scorpions from yesterday, today all the kid scorpions were getting worried so they sent the oldest scorpion kid - that's you Joe - to find out what happened to them. He was faithfully waiting where he was sure his mother was... in my shoe. Or he came to me looking for safety... "Look for a grandma or mother with children...." and instead of providing safety I squished him.

I haven't been able can't relax when I walk around. Then finding this little fella right next to my shoes, no me gusta!

I've learned the answer to my question (at the end of this post) and am now preparing for INVASION

Oh, and Corey called Becky and she said they are no more dangerous than a bee, unless you're allergic.


  1. I wouldn't be able to relax either! Or sleep! Maybe someone can come spray your house or something? I don't think I could survive. I think I would wear my shoes 24/7.

  2. Is it wrong to say 'cute little thing'... I thought it looked cute. Who knew they'd be so teeny.
    Here's a question Tiff-
    Mice or scorpions? :D

  3. I would say neither. I have had a mouse invasion. We've tried to be civil and use live traps, but that's not working. So I try to be humane and use a snap / instant death trap but they pull off the bait without getting whacked. Yesterday I bought glue traps and caught four by morning, two still alive trying to wiggle free. They are now in the garbage outside. DIE MICKEY DIE!!!!
