Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Can You Make With Paper?

Today I forced the kids to go swimming. I guess the novelty of it has worn off. They hadn't gone swimming yet this week till I made them today. They have been busy busy upstairs with paper making all sorts of creations.

One example - they have made bedrooms for their webkinz. This pic above is the bedroom in Hyrum's closet - the shared apartment of his 3 toys.

Above is Melodie's Webkinz's apartment. They have a fridge, toy box, plasma screen tv, sink, by my favorite part was the recliner chair, complete with remote control and a bowl of popcorn and Doritos chips - made with paper, tp, and tape. Oh, and the bowl/plate is from a can of Pringles.

And above is Lily playing with Mel's Webkinz' popcorn. Lots of little pieces of paper on the floor in their room ...hard for me or Shirley to know what is garbage and what's not.

They've also been playing "store" the past two days. Ethan has a Ben 10 Store, their slogan is "We hold your dreams" where they sell all Ben 10 Stuff. Hyrum made a Ben 10 ship to sell. Sorry, Joe's here next to me telling me Hyrum and Ethan won't sell their stuff cause they want to keep it all, but they will let you pay to borrow it.

...and Melodie and Wes have a store called MW - their slogan is "We sell, you get"

Here is her cash register with computer and coins.

Wesley holding a telescope, for sale $10.99

They've also been making paper flowers. These are Corey's trademark. I opened the front door and found this flower and note, Melodie made them. The card said "To You (opening card...) Whoever wants it can have it. Actually I might want it" Made me laugh.

Melodie making more flowers for her forest crown

And Joseph - he put on a show of some song he learned on the school playground about flushing Barney down the toilet. He made a toilet out of paper but didn't have a Barney, so he took part of a broken Mickey Mouse floatie and did Mickey instead...
Joe holding the scissors ready to sing... "Joy to the world that Mickey's Dead! I barbecued his head! And then I took his body and flushed it down the potty and round and round it goes, and round and round it goes, then I cut of his nose and sprayed it with a hose." Joe was really excited to do his show for us. He made paper items for each part of the song - a toilet, a bbq grill on fire, and Mickey's body of course. So does all this creativity count as homeschooling? BBQ-ing a paper Mickey Mouse? Probably not, but still I love it when they getting along and are lost in play.

1 comment:

  1. My kids have made "homes" out of paper also! But instead of using a closet shelf, they taped paper together (usually construction paper) to create the walls & floor. Then their "homes" were mobile, and they could take them around the house. I think it's so creative!
