Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nothing New

Hey there. Nothing to report, just rain right now. Maybe the final deluge is here. Stayed home yesterday and today. Had some visitors from the ward yesterday, Yesenia and Henry. Nice people. They were here with Corey and Shirley planning a wedding for a sweet couple from Nicaragua that are getting baptized after they're married. :) That will be on Saturday Nov 13th, I'm making 100+ cookies and 100+ brownies. Should be fun! Yesenia said people come ready to pig out, "Se creen Tongans" which made Corey laugh as she told us the horror from a ward Christmas dinner in 2009 - mistakes not to be repeated. aka - no buffet style, we will dish up their plates, only one plate to each person.

Today the kids played legos and made paper houses for them on the table. I took pictures but am too lacking effort to post them right now. I have energy for it, just no desire. sorry. I'm posting these which were before the rain came and cleaned our roof and sent all the dirt into the pool - we woke up today and you can't see the bottom anymore, the stairs sink into a dark unseen abyss. So back when the pool was clean on Saturday, Corey took a break and went swimming with the kids. He had me laughing so hard when he came outside in my swimming suit only up to his waist so it looked like a speedo and with goggles on saying "Someone stole my swimming suit!" I was wearing his shorts and a sports bra, cause I just hate trying to wriggle into that leotard thing every time, so I usually don't. So when he came out to join us he had wriggled into it plus was wearing his swim goggles, he looked like a wanna be Olympic swimmer standing there, I was laughing so hard! He let me take a picture of him inside before we switched suits, but he said I couldn't post it so I promised not to, but I needed the picture to help me laugh if I ever need a good laugh, so funny.

While swimming, somehow he got Abi's floatie on, but then it was stuck, so he kept trying to dive in to get it to float off. He had us all laughing.

Funny husband.

These pictures aren't uploading, The power went out tonight for a while, I think the internet is having issues. I'll try to get them on tomorrow...

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