Thursday, November 4, 2010

Something New

Well, at 3:00 today Corey got an email from StartUp Chile. The conversation went as follows. 

Me (in the kitchen making a bad version of tortillas): la de da 
Corey from the other room: Well, I heard back from Chile... 
Me: ...and? 
Corey: aaaand.... (brief pause) they said yes! 
Me: That's great! 
Corey (still reading the email): ...but I gotta be in the country by November 25th... 
Me (walk over to where I can see him and stare at him with a confused look of "What?!?" and "is this something you knew when you applied?" and "That is really quick and totally screws up a lot of stuff!") 
Corey (looking at me with a sheepish grin and innocent eyes briefly then throwing up his hands as if saying so sue me as he adds ... "I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO READ THE FINE PRINT!!!!" (see his "I'd like" wishes near Lily's picture below). Then standing up he walked to me and said with hope for the future in his eyes, "I won somethin'! 

And I admit, it's been hard for him to get stuff done here at home, which is why we both wish he had an office to escape to. October 18th was the day he made his video and completed the application. I tried really really hard to not enter the bedroom (even though I did want to go brush my teeth a few times and get my camera and other things) and I'm proud to say he had a full day with many hours of uninterrupted time. He had a 10 minute interview on Friday, the 22nd, which was also the day they announced on their blog that the 2010 application process was officially closed. He had an interview the following Wednesday the 26th, then my excitement for the opportunity has gone down during the waiting game (I don't do good at waiting to make plans, drives my stress levels up way high and fast). So anyway, there's something new. Tonight we were up in the bedroom trying to get the kids to calm down and go to sleep, and had talked a little about going to Chile when Joseph volunteered, "I'd like to go back to Utah first and see friends before we go..." then Ethan interrupted "I'd like to have another cookie..." then Corey interrupted "I'd like to never have to work again and have someone come and clip my toe nails when they get too long!" then looking out on the room of noisy kids laughing and talking he yelled "Anyone else have any requests?!?" Then he was on roll shouting out to the universe... "I'd like to have a clean house! I'd like to be able to sit at my computer without being interrupted with stupid questions about if they can have something to eat! I'd like Lily to never touch my computer again! I'd like to be able to go into the kitchen for a snack without turning around to find 5 kids standing there asking me if they can have some!!!"
The face of a trouble maker!
I was totally laughing.
It was good to have a laugh, cause I've been murmuring a little about this possibility. I was excited 2 weeks ago, it calmed down, then when we still didn't know yay or nay last week on Friday and I knew we were gonna have to wait through the weekend for news, then still no news on Monday! Boo on you! The waiting game kills me! So now I have to be persuaded by logic. But then to hear Corey's gotta be there in 3 weeks? I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by that, the logistics of it all. Should we all go down in 3 weeks, or does he go down solo and then come back and help us all go in December? I don't want to stay here by myself, but I guess I could fit all 7 kids in the car when I go for groceries? Does not sound fun. Plus I was planning on be going back to the US first and don't feel ready for 6 months in Chile!!!! So that's me in my panic mode or murmur mode. Blah blah this is too hard I miss Jerusalem!! Why are we doing this again? (see verse 11). I'm so much more of a Laman than a Nephi. I think the point is knowing what the Lord wants us to do. So we'll be fasting for that this Sunday. I feel like I have a hard time knowing His will sometimes, so I go along and end up complaining during the process. I need some revelation help, please! Corey says I'm impulsive, he is calculating. Ok, I'm done. Time to go look up airfare possibilities and see what prices out there are like. Yike


  1. Tiffanie! You are the most understanding, flexible wife I know. Don't we all murmur a bit when it comes to huge changes? I mean CHILE, in THREE weeks?! Your tiny murmuring here is nothing compared to what mine would be :). But you always do what you are asked to do and pack up your amazing family that includes seven children and go. I think you are fantastic. Congrats to Corey on the exciting things ahead for him and for you all!

  2. Tiffanie! You are a very independent women and I admire your ability to adapt to strange environments! Your son Ethan is freaking amazing! Pay him!
