Saturday, December 11, 2010

Angels in Costa Rica

Some of the angels in Costa Rica that we are so grateful to have met and will greatly miss ~

1: Tara Martinsen - She and her daughter Emma came to help us clean the house Wednesday night - Thank you Tara!!! What a beautiful smile! It has been a great blessing for us to meet you, thank you for your help and friendship! We hope to see you again someday ~ we can come visit you in St. George. :) Keep in touch!

2: Magaly and Esteban - Magaly came over on Wednesday night to help us clean, too. She and Esteban also stayed over at our house a couple of nights, made us all dinner, cleaned the house and played with the kids. Thank you for your help! We will miss you! Abi and Lily will miss you too! Here Esteban is holding Abi - she fell asleep while he held her during sacrament meeting on our last Sunday at Church.

Aren't they just the cutest couple?

And last but not least...

3: the RMs -big time blessing having them here to take me and the kids to the airport. Jacob and Dannan let the kids abuse them (see Wes in the above photo? He's got Jacob's legs) Rachael changed Lily's diaper, Melanie and Rachael helped me fill out 8 boarding pass papers with our Chile address and everyone's passport #s. My hands were totally shaking - I think I was now feeling the stress, but they pulled me through the toughest part of checking in luggage and walked us to security.

We said goodbye and then as we were taking off our shoes and checking in then Ethan looked at me with an expression of panic on his face... he started to cry "MAX!!!!" He left his webkinz cocker spaniel stuffed dog, lovingly named Max, in the van. The RMs were still there making sure I got through security, I yell over "Ethan left a stuffed dog in your car!!!" and off they go running to our rescue again. I pace for a few minutes, not knowing how long it will take. Hmm, I'm thinking we can't wait... "Eth, I think they had to park far away! I don't think we can wait... Max will be safe with them, we'll have them send him in the mail, we gotta go!" I go to tell Melanie to just keep him and we'll get him later, but she says "They got it right here!" and here they are back lickity split and Max was returned. Ethan gave him a big hug. A small miracle for Ethan, I look at him amazed and said "You said a prayer, didn't you!!" We smile, finish going through security, and are on our way to Chile.

Bye Costa Rica and all the friends we've met here. We miss you already and will always remember our time here. Para siempre Dios este con voz

Hasta Luego Costa Rica! Vamos a Chile! It will be a grand adventure.

1 comment:

  1. I hope all those people mentioned above know how grateful your family back in the US is for all their help. We couldn't be there, so our blessing and peace of mind for us for you is that you had those angels to assist you.
