Sunday, December 12, 2010

Santiago City

Looking North (I think) from our balcony:

We think we've found an apartment for us to stay in during our time in Santiago. It's pretty sweet. Right now we are in the apartment of some friends that Corey met which is just like the one we'll be renting, just different furnishings. Ours will be in the adjacent building to theirs. Here is the view from the balcony here - looking west (I think):

I'm still trying to figure out the main roads to take and which way is north. Last night I did walk to Lider (Chile version of Walmart) and home with 5 kids each carrying two bags of groceries. The weather feels like crisp fall weather in the evenings and mornings, which I LOVE cause we missed fall in Utah, so it's filling that need for fresh and beautiful breezes. Santiago is a beautiful city!! Chile is totally different from the beach town environment of Guanacaste, which we loved, but fun to experience something new. We feel a little like we're back in the US, only that we're not in Utah, we're in a big city like New York, but this city (I think) has a lot more trees and is less crowded and crazy, not that I've lived in New York. Oh, and there are mountains here, which makes it feel like a combination of Utah and New York, San Diego weather, speaking Spanish, it's like a beautiful mix of lots of things we love from lots of different places. We are looking forward to this time here, it will be a grand adventure! :)

1 comment:

  1. HI Tiffanie,
    I have been anxiously awaiting a new post on your blog to let me know you arrived safe and sound in Chile. I am so glad to hear you all made it. You are amazing! It looks like a beautiful city. It will be fun for you to have the experience of a new city. We definately felt the loss of your family today in church...we only had 5 kids in Primary and 2 of them were mine. I will have fun keeping up with you on your blog now. We will miss your family. Thanks for your good example of faith and courage to me :)
