Monday, December 6, 2010

Corey in Santiago

Hey! My first time uploading a video to Blogger! Does it work?

This video is from when Corey arrived in Santiago two weeks ago. His friend Jansi and her fiance Rodrigo picked him up from the airport. Corey taught and baptized Jansi when he was a missionary in Chile (1995-97). He and Jansi have kept in touch over all these years, and wouldn't you know, what a miracle that Corey and I are going to be in Chile when she and Rodrigo enter the temple and are married on January 7th! What a great blessing for Corey to see the fruit of his labors so many years ago, and for Jansi to have her missionary attend her wedding! From this video it sounds like Corey is even going to play the sax at the reception! Should be a party!

And on Sunday when I didn't hear from Corey at all during the day or evening, I got a skype from him at 1 a.m. Monday morning telling me that he had been over at Jansi's house for an engagement party - they were having a gathering for the extended family members to meet each other. He said Jansi and Rodrigo were practically the only members there except for a couple of cousins. "It was great, and I played the sax for them. They are quite the missionaries" - with a picture of Jansi's baptismal day on the wall as backdrop, and even starting with a prayer
"We all had to give them wishes." Corey said (to which everyone laughed) "Que tengan mas hijos que Yo" Translation: May you have more kids that I do! Corey is so funny. :)

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