Monday, December 6, 2010


Corey took this picture and says I'm hot stuff. I like that. This is our skype chat that led up to our phone call last night. I thought it was funny. The "Martin" story is something goofy that for some reason is part of our engagement. I can tell that story if you'd like.

C: it's you
C: you're the woman that I love, are you not?

T: yes

T: but the kids follow me

T: I turned off all the lights two hours ago, thinking it would calm them and ease them into thoughts of slumber, but they've been playing hide and seek in the dark. I'm glad they're being creative. It's cause we haven't had the tv on today.

T: I like no tv.

C: I also like no TV

T: although TV is an easy escape from their noise and I've been tempted several times.

T: but I resisted

T: and I am glad.

C: are you as beautiful as I remember you?

T: no

C: no?

T: nope, cause I've gotta scowl

C: why do you have a scowl?

T: too many kids and too many bites of chocolate = scowl. tomorrow I'm going to try too many kids and no chocolate and see what that equals.
I'm experimenting with how diet affects my mood

C: what are your plans for tomorrow?

T: oh, I got BIG plans, it's my last hurrah

T: you can read about it

T: the kids all took a vote

T: tune into the blog tomorrow night

C: hum...

C: no sneak preview?

T: I'll email you the preview tomorrow

T: cause it's contingent on my mood at 6 a.m.

C: is it something I'd approve of?

C: you're not one to use the word "contingent" are you?

C: who is this?

T: um, maybe I should look up the definition of contingent.

C: no, I think you used it properly...just the 2nd or 3rd little thing that seems out of character

C: how can I be sure it's you?

T: Yes, contingent


T: adjective

T: Definition of CONTINGENT 1: likely but not certain to happen : possible 2: not logically necessary; especially : empirical 3a : happening by chance or unforeseen causes b : subject to chance or unseen effects : unpredictable c : intended for use in circumstances not completely foreseen

T: contingent isn't so impressive of a word for a person to use, is it?

T: how low is your opinion of my use of vocabulary?

C: I'm not saying its impressive or not, just saying I didn't expect it from TiffanieC: I suspect I may be talking with someone else
C: someone who has taken my wife captive and is trying to pass for her

T: well, it would probably be used by Tiffanie, er, by me more often if we planned out our weeks and days. You know, used a schedule. And events of said schedule would be contingent on a lot of things I bet.

C: I'm not interested in the use of the word "contingent" - I'm interested in confirming your identity

T: sorry, the webcam is busted.

T: it got black permanent marker drawn on it's little window.

Tiffanie Wride: you know kids, they do the darndest things.

T: shucks

C: hum...if you weren't Tiffanie, that would be a clever way to avoid having me see a picture of you to prove it's you

T: Okay, fine, I admit it.

C: "shucks" isn't a word Tiffanie uses much either

T: I am Martin

C: just as I suspected

T: Tiffanie belonged to me years ago

C: where is she now? I demand to know

T: just cause I had to drive a Tico car from CR to SLC and got stuck in Honduras in 1999 does not give you the right to her hand in marriage.

T: I've been following you for years, and I finally saw my chance.

T: haha!!!
T: I contacted my Gadianton robber friends in the Chilean government to lure you there
T: you'll never see a dime

T: or your wife again either!!!

T: (...but I think I'll send you the kids.)


C: You're not Martin

C: Spanish speakers do IM laughs like this "ja ja ja ja"

C: who are you really?

T: Well after living around the corner from your for years in Sandy, I've assimilated very nicely

T: Tiffanie will be very happy with me

T: I'm a dentist now.

T: I drive a truck and have been trained in weekend honey-dos, I plant flowers, paint tree houses, and work from 9-5

C: it wont work

C: she's given up on all that

T: you don't have a chance

C: she's still my wife. I'll have you arrested. I'll come after you. I'll never let her go! I can be
 in CR tomorrow if I have to

T: ok, nevermind, you can have her. Her kids are here buggin' me. I'm outta here.
T: Corey! Thank goodness for all these kids!
T: Can we call?

C: Yes!
So then we did a video call. We tried to talk around the kids for a bit, kids who like to see their lego creations on the monitor screen, then we got tired of trying that and sent them to bed, then we stared at each other for an hour and wonder how we ever survived 3 1/2 years apart. I can tell that story too for anyone who doesn't know. It involves both of us serving missions for the Church, lots of letter writing, and missing each other by a week. If we pretend we're back in time at that point again, of when I was about to come home, then 3 days doesn't seem like much. Actually I think serving a mission was a really good move on my part. I had been longing for his love since 7th grade, so it had always been there, it was good for me to be gone and doing my own thing to let him get that longing feeling for me. Now he's hopeless. JA JA JA!

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