Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Hi. So my computer is busted. Well "my" computer got busted in the luggage trip to Costa Rica, then I took Corey's computer upon "my"self, so I guess now it's not my but Corey's personal laptop that is now busted too, so now I'm sneaking in in the mornings to use Corey's work computer so I can break this one too. All my photos are uploaded onto the other one, so Corey's gonna get those off sometime when he takes it in or tries to fix it. So nothing new to post for photos. But thought I'd just check in. Life is wonderful, we're excited for a new year. I was making some goals for myself yesterday, one of which is to keep working out. My time to do that is in the morning before the kids wake up. It's just past 8:00 so I better get out the door before one of them wakes up and gets me first. I'll try to post more tomorrow about what's going on here. Nothing too new and exciting, just getting into a routine. The kids are loving their legos and being creative. Abi and Lily like to go downstairs and play on the slide and in the dirt, and I like to go down there with them and read. I brought the 2010 June Ensign with us to Costa Rica and thus on this trip also, and I'm finally reading it - don't know why that one didn't get read before or packed, but I have just been eating it up - GREAT STUFF, all of it is like right in line with my thoughts lately, like on page 44 - live as if for years (D&C 51:16-17). Elder Bednar's CES talk is excellent, or on page 29 - We're living in a busy city, but feel like our life is so calm and simplified right now - it's great, I like not being in a hurry, great having a simplified life, love having time with the kdis as we're enjoying our third summer vacation of 2010. Did I tell you that - the last day of school for the year for Chileans was December 9th, we arrived on the 10th. Had a summer vacation in Costa Rica pretty much, and then in Utah before we left too - minus the two weeks of school they attended before we flew out. School will start in March. Until then the kids are doing good playing with the local kids and we're watching lots of Spanish TV. Gonna go get the 3 dvd pack of Toy Story today and have that play all day - get some of the Spanish repetition flowing in their heads and see what they learn. Ok, that's all my rambling, gonna go exercise. Love to you all!

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