Saturday, January 1, 2011

Well That Was Fast...

So, yesterday I had joked haha that I was now going to destroy Corey's computer. Well last night, the kids were talking on skype on Corey's computer, so it was on the coffee table down within Lily's reach. Wes and Hyrum wanted to go play Indiana Jones outside - Corey went with them since the kids were skyping at the computer. After they were done, they went to go watch tv and I saw my opportunity to give a quick call to my BFF mission companion Nicole - we used to talk every day, but now that I'm living a simplified life with no US phone and no internet except between 6 and 8 a.m., we haven't talked much. (Love ya Hermana!!) so we talked and tried to catch up - Lily was right in front of me at the computer. I could see the screen and it looked like she wasn't going to click and hang up my phone call, so we tried to catch up a little while I just let her pluck at the keys for fun. Atleast that's all I thought she was doing...

(insert - picture of Corey's busted laptop - 8 keys plucked off)

Nicole might remember what I was talking about right before I said "AAHHHHHH! (dumbfounded pause) LILY!!!! (dumbfounded pause 2) Lily!!! What?!?!... How?!?!.... Oh crap!"

(Not for sure a word for word transcription. I don't think I said Oh crap, but I know I was thinking it)

Nicole "You need to go?"

Me "Um...." Nicole had read my post from yesterday and we had talked about my simplified life w/o a computer and so I told her "Well, that took me less than 24 hours..." I guess some people would be impressed with themselves at achieving their destiny so quickly. I took a picture, said by to Nicole, moved the computer to a higher table, and took Lily with me to go downstairs and tell Corey what a naughty and undependable wife he has who would sit at a table one foot from the toddler without knowing the havoc she was wrecking.

Corey was coming up the elevator with Hyrum and Wes as I waited to go down.

"Hi" he says. "Hi." I say with a look in my face that says I have bad news... "What" he says. "You know how we joked that I'm gonna bust your computer?" A look of extreme depression washes over him.

2 hours later - Corey's got it all back together and it seems to work fine, except for the "Numbers Lock" key which has a part I super-glued for him -
He'll put it on today and I'm praying it works.

I never would have thought a baby would do that to a computer. I guess her little fingers and nails are small enough that she would easily be capable of doing it. But how'd her little brain think of doing it? I don't know if I want to try and think now of all the things they're gonna do that I've never thought of. I guess feel free to share some of your experiences in amazement at what kids will do so I can learn without having to think of them, as it's not a pleasant thing to try and think about.

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