Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Joe

Joe's first international birthday. Melodie made him a present.

When we went to the flea market near Santa Lucia Joe was looking at chess boards. Melodie took the hint and made him one out of cardboard and permanent markets. Isn't she amazing?

Then after church he got to open the rest of his presents:

- 11 Reeses peanut butter cups, which he passed out and shared, so impressive.

- 11 monedas (coins)
- 11 thousand pesos - aka about 2 bucks. Poor kid, he thought it was $20. I didn't want to break the bad news to him yet, so we let him think he was rich, Ethan was really jealous. Then the next day when he asked if we could go to the store so he could see what Legos he could buy, I told him he doesn't have enough for any legos... "What? How much is $1000 pesos?" I sheepishly say "about 2 bucks..." you could see him deflate. But we told him we'll give him another $10,000 pesos, just didn't have the bills for it on hand. But I don't want to go to the store today.
- A New shirt from Grandma and Grandpa Wride
- Legos from Gma & Gpa Wride
- A gas station lego from Mom and Dad

His presents were wrapped in pillow cases. Birthday and no cleanup! Can life get better? (That's a modified Brian Regan line, who knows the next part?)

So that was Joe's birthday. He's a great kid. They don't get any better than Joe. Jansi and Rodrigo came over after we opened presents and brought some of their wedding cake to share. And we had ice cream and cookies too. Happy Birthday Joe, Love you

1 comment:

  1. JOE
    Post picture's of the lego's I got if you've taken some at all.
