Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Life Lesson Learned

Yesterday Corey went in to the StartUp Chile offices to be there for the news reporter interviews. They interviewed him and a few other guys, they told them it would most likely make it on the news tonight, not tomorrow, at 9:00. So at 9:00 we were all ready for the big show. After the first 5 minutes, Corey put Ethan on duty to tell him when it was on. First was the crime and natural disasters, other local news, well let's get ready for bed while we wait - flossing and brushing teeth, and at 9:50 it was getting close to sports hour, maybe it's going to be on tomorrow? But wait, here it is! Corey's big debut - "It's on!" everyone started to yell. I grab my camera - this is it!

They'd do move over shots of all the people a the office, but I didn't see Corey - he'd say "Oh, there I was!" for like a 10th of a second. Then they showed this guy:

And Corey said "There I am!" The kids "That's not you..." Corey "No, not him... in the back, behind the guy, see that person behind him, above his left shoulder! That's me!" And that was the most screen time he got. I thought this was his shoulder in this photo below, but then we realized it was a short shirt, he was wearing a long shirt.

Kinda disappointing for the kids, they were so excited, then they were like "Well that was lame..." and I quoted Monsters Inc. "I don't believe it..."

"I was on TV!!! Did you see me, I'm a natural!"

And here's 0 for 2 - turns out he's not meeting the President tomorrow either - no one knows it, but Pres. Pinera has a personal engagement. So this is all we're seeing of the Pres.

So, we were able to have a great family home evening lesson after that disappointing for the kids news broadcast.

Corey said "Life is like that - it's never going to be as great as it sounds so don't let yourself get your hopes up or your let happiness depend on something that is out of your control..." "Where do we seek validation?" In Elder Bednar's talk on "Things As They Really Are" he says how many people get their weekly emotional highlites from playing computer games - is that real? Have you really won anything or really been successful if you win a game? Where do we get our emotional highlites? What makes us feel important? Is it real? Does it really make us important? Corey asked what if he had been given the whole 3 minutes of the Start Up Chile spot on just himself and his business? Then would he have felt important? Maybe, but is it real? That still would have been forgotten as soon as they started the next spot. It is all quickly forgotten, so we can't let our self worth or our happiness depend on it.

"Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen as by little advantages that occur every day."
- Benjamin Franklin

I love that quote - it is true. Don't wait for the big things that seldom happen - we can be happy every day by taking care of the small and simple things that bring true happiness - Things like time together as a family, prayer, reading the scriptures - those things are real, real relationships, real changes for the better, real stories and examples. It was a great FHE lesson for us. :) I love family night.

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