Thursday, January 6, 2011

Judgement Day

This morning my normal perfect schedule is off - I can't exercise at 8:00 cause at 8:00 I better be on the road to Curacavi - got to go out to Curacavi to make myself right with the law. It's about an hour away if I'm able to get out of Santiago unscathed..., wish me luck!

This was on December 15th on our way back from Vina Del Mar - I got pulled over cause I didn't have my head lights on (it was 12:30 in the afternoon and daylight). I had survived 3 months in Costa Rica with no run in with the police, and here they get me before I'd even been here a week. Tragic. So apparently it's a new law here. Before I got stopped I had noticed that all the other cars had theirs on (the Holy Ghost trying to bring it to my attention) so I turned mine on for a second... then turned them off. I didn't want to waste power or have to replace the headlights while we're here. So, I feel this citation has taught me (hopefully) to listen better to that still small voice.

In the picture, Corey was nervous and went out to get the ticket so that the cop wouldn't come back and count the heads in the back and issue me another ticket (!) so we were grateful to escape with just a headlight fine. Apparently it's like $100 bucks though, so I'm going to go appeal it. How many kids should I take with me? They are all asleep, I want to leave in 15 minutes, could help me win some sympathy points, but we stayed out super late last night so they're pretty tired. Lily was so tired she couldn't fall asleep, like what happened on our flight down here - don't know if I want to wake her up and risk her behaving terribly. I guess I better to decided what to do and get out the door.


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