Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"You're the one..."

So next week or in two weeks is the "official" launch of the Start Up Chile program with news conferences and stuff. To prep for it yesterday they had a little meeting with the government department in charge of it to introduce the program to them. This wasn't a mandatory meeting to attend, but Corey felt he should go and was glad he did - he was one of the 4 entrepreneurs there and so got some brownie points and got to see a little of what's in store. He wants to be the poster child for Start Up Chile - he said some funny things about the meeting. But one thing I thought I'd share was that as they introduced themselves and took questions (he was part of a panel), he was asked about his family. "You're the one with 7 kids?" Another person "Oh, I've heard about you!" When Corey was home telling me about the meeting he pretended he answered "My business is a good idea too, if you want to talk about that...." Then looked at me and said "You guys are always stealing my thunder! No one cares about my business, just my kids! That's all they remember about me!" But he's hoping to use it to his advantage. :)

Oh, and next Tuesday he gets to meet the President of Chile! That's kinda cool, huh!

And for fun, here's a cool picture my dad sent me a link to - The Sun get's double crossed. There was a lunar eclipse here a week or two ago at 3 a.m. I didn't know about it until the guard told me in the morning when I was going to exercise. We would have had a perfect view of it, wish I'd have known about it! Gotta start watching or reading up on the local news. Oh well.


  1. Hahaha! That's great! And a meeting with the President of Chile! WOW!

  2. Who knew 7 kids could be such an attention getter? I guess it could be out of the Mormon world. But them remembering him, even for the 7 kids, remembering is remembering. It's a good conversation starter! I remember us Hibberts getting some attention for having 7 kids. As a kid, I thought it was fun. Hopefull your kids enjoy being thunder stealers too.
