Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lily's Candle

Watching TV in Vina Del Mar in December

Lily has had the least hair of all my children. Abi has so much hair, when people saw her the firs thing out of their mouths was "Look at all that HAIR!" I didn't quite know what to do with myself when Lily was born with what looked like a receeding hairline. We called it a non-advanced hairline. I remember when she was 4 months old I put colored hairspray on her scalp for Halloween and got a good laugh.

So after we arrived in Chile last month, when Lily was almost a year and a half old, I did my first attempt at pulling her hair into an elastic. After seeing Amy's post on Lucy's Pigtails I thought I'd mention it.

You can barely see it, but Lily's got a little flame of hair on the top of her head. Sticking straight up. She looked like a little candle.

I didn't try to do two pigtails, maybe I'll try that tomorrow for fun, but she still has such little hair and it's so thin, I don't know if it would vale la pena.

She only left it in for a little while, then pulled it out. But the hair stayed pretty much straight for another hour. Then just looked weird the rest of the day till I washed her hair to fix it.

Doing her best cheesy grin for the camera.

Yeah, it's gotten longer this last month, so maybe I'll try two! You've inspired me Amy. :)

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