Thursday, January 27, 2011

Making A Plan

So I decided, for my sanity, that I need to atleast pretend that I know how long we are going to be here in Chile. Now I like Santiago, I really do, it's just that when I planned for this move in September, I thought I was going to be spending 3 months in Costa Rica then returning to the US. I was not planning nor did I pack everything I would have packed for a family of 9 that I would have packed had I known we were going to be spending 9 months out of the country. But when we were in Costa Rica, we hoped and prayed for Corey to have this opportunity and now he does. So we are here. And it's good.

But lately we've been talking about how this could be longer than 6 months - like a year or two, if he gets funding from a Chilean VC. Ok, I'm okay with that, but I'm not ready for it. So in Costa Rica I agreed to coming to Chile for 6 months, so I'm going to go back to that plan for my sanity. So, I am planning on staying here until the beginning of May - I would stay till the end of May, but I'm going to cut it a little short cause of Beka's wedding, which was also in the initial plan when we were in Costa Rica. Ok, so I hereby plan that the kids and I will be going back to the US in May and will be there in time for Beka's wedding on May 7th. Corey might come with us, he might stay until the 23rd to complete his 6 month time with Start Up Chile. Then we can get our stuff out of storage and go through our past life and then if we know in May that Corey's gotten funding down here, then we can stay in the US for a bit and come back prepared for a longer term adventure. What do you think, sound like a plan?

And I was reading a friends blog today (Hi Rachel!), and have to say I still desire and hope and pray to move back to Washington DC someday, I got homesick looking at her pictures. I loved it there. Totally loved it. The history, the National Mall, all the comforts of the US - Costco, Walmart, HomeGoods, plus Craigslist is huge out there which I love. I also really liked being in the "mission field" and meeting lots of people who don't know much about Mormons. It was fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it's good to hear that you are not the unsinkable woman that I thought you were and you do need some kind of goal to keep you going. I was starting to rethink my process. he he all sarcasm...
    We are so glad you are all doing well down there and hope to see you in May. Our fingers are crossed for you.
