Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Taking it Easy

Being slow today, resting, walking slow and getting in and out of bed with slow motions. Still a little bit of spotting, but praying that the worst of it from yesterday is over and that everything will still be okay with this little spirit.

Kids are doing good - learning Spanish (watching Toy Story 3 in Spanish again - they are really starting to pick up the phrases)

Got a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. My best helper Joe is in the zone playing a game with Ethan with their legos, and they didn't want to be interrupted yet, plus I usually like to let them go with it when they are getting along, hate to break a good thing. So the dishes will have to wait. The good thing is that the pile can't get any bigger cause we don't have any more clean dishes. We have 9 spoons, 9 forks, so after breakfast they are all dirty and if they don't get cleaned, well, we're all outta luck until someone who wants to eat cleans them. So then it's a contest of who can wait to eat or who can figure out something to eat that doesn't require a dish or utensil.

I cleaned my cutting knife and have been chopping vegetables for a soup - a carrot, cabbage, white bean soup. Chop up some fresh tomatoes and throw those in - Mmmm!

This past week has been soup week. I think we'll continue it onto next week. Whatever I'm craving when I'm at the store, that is what we eat. 5 weeks ago - cream cheese - cream cheese and ham rolls, cream cheese with salsa and chips, yummm. 4 weeks ago - lots of nuts -peanuts and almonds and peanut butter. 3 weeks ago - pickles, mustard, and hotdogs. I'm still kinda craving those, so we keep the hot dogs on hand and make ourselves Chilean "completos" regularly. Everyone likes those, even Corey. I think back in the US, I labeled hot dogs as kid food - those are only for the little humans who don't appreciate really good dining, like salmon & steak, roasted vegetables and spinach salads. But here we all like them! Corey's completos come with avocado and tomato. 2 weeks ago the fruit looked soooo good at the store - mangoes, nectarines, kiwi, mmm. Then last week, I had been looking at some soup recipes on Bodyrock and they sounded so good, so I stocked up on celery, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, tomatoes, and soup has been on the menu this week. Mel and Ethan love it, everyone else not so much. Oh well. Like I said, whatever I'm craving is what they're stuck with.

One last random thought - as I was chopping cabbage and cutting carrots, I was listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD of "Love is Spoken Here" and I got totally teared up listening to track 6 - now it's on repeat and of course I had to look up the lyrics - beautiful beautiful song. It makes me think of Corey and the stirring in his heart to find his calling of what God wants him to do to make a difference in the world, or of my own children when they grow and their hearts are pulled to a calling and mission that they want to fulfill. Reminds me of this quote:

"Good parents give their children roots and wings -
roots to know where home is and wings to fly off
and practice what has been taught them."
~ Jonas Salk

Beautiful song. Listen to it here

Music and Lyrics by Marta Keen

In the quiet misty morning
When the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing
And the sky is clear and red,

When the summer's ceased its gleaning
When the corn is past its prime,
When adventure's lost its meaning -
I'll be homeward bound in time

Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow

If you find it's me you're missing
If you're hoping I'll return,
To your thoughts I'll soon be listing,
In the road I'll stop and turn

Then the wind will set me racing
As my journey nears its end
And the path I'll be retracing
When I'm homeward bound again

Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow

Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow


Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow

Bind me not to the pasture
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return,
And I'll return,
And I'll return . . .to you somehow


  1. glad all is okay! scary monday but hope you are taking it easy!

  2. I got two heads of cabbage from my produce co-op and made a huge bowl of coleslaw out of one. Cole slaw is one of Conner's favorite foods. I've never really been a big fan so I can't help but think it came from living with Grandpa Bahr. He loved KFC cole slaw and baked beans and would get it often so I think that's where Conner got his love for it even if he was only 3. I love having those memories because whenever I eat cole slaw I think of Grandpa Bahr. I know a lot of people have memories of people and events through music but mine are more because of food. That's why I love food so much. After your post I decided to make cabbage soup out of the last head of cabbage. It was ok but nothing to write home about. Luckily Neil will eat anything and knowing it's healthy makes him eat even more so he'll be finishing off that huge pot that's left.
