Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chile Tour

Well, we're heading out today for our trip down south. We'll be in Pucón for a week from Saturday to Saturday. Should be fun! We'll be spending tonight and tomorrow night in Concepción where all NINE of us we will be (I found out last night) crashing at the home of one of his mission companions! Look out, here we come! In Concepción Corey will be giving two talks, a fun little schpiel on his experience so far - it's a good presentation, he gave it to me and the kids last night. I'll try to get a video of him in action. This chance to inspire others here in Chile will be a fulfillment of a dream he had back in fall of 2000 that's led him on this journey. He's a great speaker and has great stories - they'll be eating out of his hand! Check out this flier for it on Start Up Chile.

He always says that if MovieMouth isn't successful, it still make a good story. :)

Not sure if I'll be able to blog from down south, so maybe we'll see ya from there, maybe I'll just be posting a lot after we get back on the 9th. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventure South. Safe travels to you!
