Friday, April 1, 2011

BodyRocking Moms

Hey anyone from BodyRock out there - I'd love a place where we can ask each other questions and get tips and inspiration from each other - do you think a yahoo group would be good? Go HERE if you want to join and we'll try it out. Although I will be out this week on a vacation... so hang tight if I have to approve you as a member? Pass along the word if you want, we can try it out for a while and see if it helps any of us. As for me, I'm struggling trying to tell myself to just relax and take it easy, but when I saw this BodyRocker my jaw dropped, SHE LOOKS AWESOME. Holy Schmoly. Especially the one week post delivery photo! HELLO! Wow, I'm way impressed by her. I want to get on the wagon, if I can't with exercise than atleast I should be able to with my diet, right? But if I don't have exercise to relive stress, unfortunately I turn to food.

Not exercising + emotional eating = not a good combination.

Luckily all the treats for school lunches and good behavior rewards/bribes are gone right now so that's good to not have any temptations around the apartment.

Good news is the spotting is down to almost nothing. And I think I felt the baby move yesterday. I'm almost 17 weeks along. This pregnancy is going slooooow. (Relax Tiff!) I did do a little bit of upper body exercises on Monday which felt good. I did slow light reps - I read that while you're pregnant focus on MOVEMENT, not MOMENTUM. So no grunting or holding your breath and straining, just nice fluid movements at a comfortable weight and do more repetitions. My back was getting achy from my lack of activity, so it felt good to do that. I'll do more if the spotting does get down to nothing for a consecutive week.


  1. Wow! BodyRock is amazing! Zuzana's eating ideals go along with what I find true. I just need to do better with getting more of the right foods in my house. Also, workouts. Wow! Intimidating. But like many on the site say: baby steps. Thanks for the motivation Tiffanie and for sharing the site.

    ps:There isn't a link for the yahoo group that you were suggesting to do. I would love to join.

  2. Sorry I forgot the link! And thanks for bringing it to my attention, Shelley - It's up now. :)
