Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ice Skating

Corey took the kids ice skating over at the mall a few weeks ago. I had been laying around the house feeling like garbage, thus the kids were stuck in the apartment too. He thought they should leave the house once that day. (He's such a good dad.) I stayed home with Lily.

So since I didn't go, I don't know for sure the drama behind these photos, but knowing my children and their personalities, I have a pretty good guess... feel free to correct me in the comments, kids, if there is anything you want to add.

Hyrum was having a hard time getting a hang of skating on ice

(Look at that sad little frown on him! Break my heart)

Corey left Hyrum to figure it out cause he's got two other kids hanging on him. Joe is a great helper

Mourning the difficulty of life...

Wes gives his try at complaining vs. trying

Abi comforting Wes

Abi's out for another go with help of older siblings - love it when they become functioning members of the family!!!

Corey able to help Hyrum out for a bit... Hyrum's liking it (his cheek is giving away the fact that he's smiling - but trying to hide it from the camera - there must be no evidence of him enjoying himself!)

Joe's not afraid to enjoy life

Nor Mel

Nor Ethan

Wes is feeling pumped, ice skating ROCKS!

I think I see a trace of enjoyment in that hesitant smile...

Abi's having fun!

Wes is going it alone! The confidence radiates off his face.

Go ABI!!!! Look Ma! No hands!!


  1. JOE
    mom abi for a while had to hold on to me and dad's hand so she could swing (and I was just getting the hang of it myself)nearly fell and I didn't know that she went solo but if she did it was for a few second's.

  2. ETHAN-hey mel took apiture of me skaing wy not post that on the blog!
