Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sew Your Shoes

Abi doesn't tie her shoelaces, she sews them. And she insists on sewing them, she will not let me help. I tied her shoes for her as we were hustling to go out the door and when she realized it, she let me have it "I want to do my shoes!!! I want to do my shoes!!!" and thus freaked out until I untied them so she could do it herself, which sewing of her laces took too long and then I was freaking out. But she did do a good job, especially considering her thumb was bandaged up at the time...

Her finished work, and well, I guess it works. I don't think those will come undone or that she'll be tripping over her laces. Good job Abi. I need to learn to pick my battles, to let the little things go, to slow down. Especially at night time - now with the kids in school and us all getting up early, I become a bit of a monster at night as I repeat my tirades of " _______! (fill in blank with child's name) Come floss and brush! _________ ! Stop jumping on the bed! ________! Lay down in your bed! _______! Did you floss and brush yet?! _______! Come in here for scriptures! Will you guys all lay down and be quiet so we can read! ________! Be quiet! It's time for family prayer!" and once I'm about to explode, then they actually are finally quiet enough to be able to hear and then, of course, I'm also just feeling so full of love and peace that I'm ready for scriptures (not) but we read cause it's important and a family goal and we always have a great discussion and a good 25 minutes of talking and reading and eventually do feel the love and peace that come from the scripture. Right now we're in Ether, and I was so impressed that (although it took some repeating) they were able to follow who is who and who did what in Ether 7. Then last night we read Ether 8 and I left them hanging and begging for more (love it!) as they wondered what was going to happen to king Omer - Is Akish gonna kill the king and serve his head to Jared? As I just typed that, it made it sound like a bad thing to be reading my kids... What are these stories!?!? It's real life, very toned down, with the Lord's 2 cents on the story sprinkled throughout. So the book is good, but if they ever make a "Jaredites: The Movie" we might not be able to see it. :)

1 comment:

  1. JOE
    um the only one I know is the stop jumping on the bed which is Abi strait off the bat.
