Thursday, March 17, 2011

Placenta Previa

So, since my miscarriage scare last month, I took it easy for a week, the next week all the bleeding/spotting stopped, and then for the past 2 weeks I've had quite a bit of black gooey discharge that's made me keep my guard up, but since it's not blood red I'm not majorly concerned, but do try and take it easy when I exercise... doing my regular resistance training and then cardio on the stationary bike and that all seems to be okay.

I had an ultrasound again on Monday and from what I understood with my limited knowledge of Spanish medical vocabulary, I think I have placenta previa, I'm guessing it's just marginal and not complete? But will find that out for sure I hope in another 6 weeks at a 20 week ultrasound.

So, Just thought I'd ask if anyone out there has had an experience with that or know someone who has? The only person I know was my friend Kristy in Costa Rica who had been bleeding the same as me when I did miscarry in October last year - her baby was okay and she actually just delivered this past week. Going to try and contact her to see the pregnancy and delivery was. Anyone else have advice or experience with that? I'm still surfing google to see what I can find.


  1. Hey Tiff - Sara had that with her last baby, and another friend of ours had that with her first. I'll have to email you what I know & what their experiences were. It makes me nervous for you!

  2. I had partial placenta previa with 3 of mine. All they did was do an ultrasound again at 30 weeks. By 30 weeks the growth of the placenta had moved it up and out of the way. I had them all without any complications. I never had bleeding though. My grandmother did loose her baby due to complete placenta previa, but they almost lost her as well. This was a long time ago though. I believe the protocol for complete previa is a c-section. It is just too risky because the mother could bleed to death. But I believe it usually turns out okay with that too.

  3. I bleed in my 4th month with my first. I was put on bed rest for a month but couldn't stand it and only stayed down for 2 weeks. Everything was fine after that, I just had to remember not to push myself too hard.

  4. I have previa right now too - I have restrictions - no working out, lifting, marital relations, etc. If I have any spotting or bleeding my Dr. said I'd be in the hospital so I try and take it as easy as possible. He's giving me until week 34 and if my placenta hasn't moved, they will take the baby early by C-section. So that's what my previa is doing to me. I mis-carried right before this baby too.

  5. One of my friends had placenta previa a few years ago. She started bleeding heavy at 23 weeks and ended up delivering the baby. Luckily the baby survived but had serious heart problems and had to stay in the nicu for several months. They didnt think shed survive. Then they said shed never walk. Then they said shed have severe learning disabilities. Thankfully Eva has proved everyone of these wrong, though she does have limited use of her right side. I dont want to scare you, but it is a serious thing if you really have placenta previa. Very dangerous for baby and You! Good luck...hope to see you this summer.
